Sunday, February 04, 2007

Scorned wife accuses Miracle Met of affair by revealing lurid e-mails

Scorned wife accuses Miracle Met of affair by revealing lurid e-mails: "The scorned wife of Miracle Met Art Shamsky accuses the ex-outfielder of sleeping with a Rye secretary and has sent the woman's husband 175 e-mails she says document their longstanding affair.

She has now shared the sordid details with The Journal News, the woman's hometown paper, in hopes of disgracing her 'so she can't show her face in public.'

Kim Shamsky, 47, a temp agency entrepreneur who accuses her spouse of sponging off her fortune, subpoenaed alleged mistress Toni Magnane, 57, last week to force her to participate in the Shamskys divorce brawl.

On Thursday, Kim Shamsky went public by inviting a reporter to the swanky Rainbow Room at Rockefeller Center, where she unveiled an inch-thick stack of e-mails in which her husband and Magnane discuss romantic liaisons, declare love for each other and engage in kinky sex talk."

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