Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Alderman denies dodging official : ServeNow.com

Alderman denies dodging official : ServeNow.com: "Coleman being sued over alleged scam

Where's Ald. Shirley Coleman?

The alderman says she's easy to find since she has an open-door policy.

A process server in a federal lawsuit, though, has a different story.

The process server said he went to Coleman's offices in the 16th Ward and at City Hall, as well as her home, more than 10 times, only to have Coleman duck him before he could serve the alderman. She is being sued for allegedly being involved in a scam that cheated California investors out of more than $500,000 -- a claim she heatedly denies.

And when he did finally serve her, at a community meeting Dec. 9, Coleman handed the document to an aide, and it promptly went into the garbage, according to allegations in court records. "

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