Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Playing Hard to Get?

Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts - Playing Hard to Get? - "You're think it would be pretty easy to find Ana Marie Cox. The red-haired pundit makes appearances on cable and radio, and she's the online face of a little magazine -- maybe you've heard of it? -- called Time.

But her alleged elusiveness has triggered yet another delay in the juicy Washingtonienne court case. Former Hill staffer Robert Steinbuch, who is suing ex-girlfriend Jessica Cutler in federal court for describing their liaisons on her notorious sex blog, got permission from a judge last fall to add Cox -- whose former employer, the snarky political blog Wonkette, first publicized Cutler's online diary -- as defendant. In a filing last week, Steinbuch's lawyer complained that he was having trouble finding Cox to serve her papers: First he had the wrong address, then she ignored the notices a process server left at her house. On one visit, the server 'observed that someone was in Cox's house and refused to answer the door.'"

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